Aug 7, 2018

Get a Paycheck Checkup!

The IRS has announced that they believe that many taxpayers who are used to getting a refund may owe on their 2018 tax return. This is not only because of Trump's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, but also because the witholding tables were changed many times in early 2018.  The changes caused less to be withheld from worker's paychecks.

The IRS suggests that taxpayers use their withholding calculator with their most recent paystub, to check if they are on track to owe or get a refund. 

From the IRS Website:

"Who Needs a Paycheck Checkup

The IRS always recommends employees check their withholding at the beginning of each year or when their personal circumstances change to make sure they’re having the right amount of tax withheld from their paychecks. With the new tax law changes, it’s especially important for certain people to use the Withholding Calculator on to make sure they have the right amount of withholding.

The IRS always recommends employees check their withholding at the beginning of each year or when their personal circumstances change to make sure they’re having the right amount of tax withheld from their paychecks. With the new tax law changes, it’s especially important for certain people to use the Withholding Calculator on to make sure they have the right amount of withholding.

Among the groups who should check their withholding are:

  • Two-income families.
  • People working two or more jobs or who only work for part of the year.
  • People with children who claim credits such as the Child Tax Credit.
  • People with older dependents, including children age 17 or older.
  • People who itemized deductions in 2017.
  • People with high incomes and more complex tax returns.
  • People with large tax refunds or large tax bills for 2017.

The law increased the standard deduction, removed personal exemptions, increased the child tax credit, limited or discontinued certain deductions and changed the tax rates and brackets.

When personal circumstances change that reduce withholding allowances they are entitled to claim, including divorce, starting a second job, or a child no longer being a dependent, an employee has 10 days to submit a new Form W-4 to their employer claiming the proper number of withholding allowances."

Please feel free to message us or give us a call with any questions!

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